Flying has its headaches. Long lines through security, cramped planes, delays and cancellations, the list goes on and on. No matter how many complaints we've heard about travelling, however, none will top Bradley Button's.
Button was returning home to Melbourne, Australia after taking a short trip to visit his friend in Wellington, New Zealand. He was flying Singapore Airlines, which normally has a reputation for quality service and cleanliness.

Although it's only a short trip, passengers onboard flight SQ248 were served a meal. That was when, as he took a final bite of his rice, Button heard a "sickening crunch." He pulled a small, hard object out of his mouth and immediately realized what he was looking at: somebody else's tooth.

"I threw my guts up," he said to AAP news.
"For the rest of the flight I was not well, just the idea of having someone else's body part in my food is not nice," he continued, in the understatement of the year.
AAP managed to contact the passenger sitting beside Button on the flight. They verified his story.
"The flight attendant that attended to me was adamant that she needed to take it away for testing and was trying to tell me that it was a small rock, when it was without a shadow of a doubt a tooth," he said.

Singapore Airlines has issued an apology regarding the incident and Button received a $75 voucher to spend on the Duty-free.
"We are currently investigating this incident and have sent the object for analysis," they said in a statement. "Once the results of the analysis are known, we will determine what the most appropriate course of action to take is."
Considering the publicity he's now getting, I think the "appropriate action" will be a check to Button.