We have all heard the stories of people leaving babies on the steps of churches, fire stations, orphanages, and unfortunately places like dumpsters, tossed away like yesterday's trash. As badly as some of those situations can end, occasionally a child is found by someone as if it were destined to be. A man in Mexico found one such child, and he did the right thing in making sure the baby received medical attention, but he has decided to take it a step further.

Raul Marin Ceja found a white bundle on the ground in 2015, while he was walking by a canal. He pulled out his camera to film himself opening the bundle to see what was on the inside, needless to say he was supremely surprised to find a newborn baby girl wrapped up in the blanket, with the umbilical cord still attached.

He immediately called for help, and the baby was transported to Zapopan General Hospital. But the story didn't end there.
No one could find any information to determine who had given birth to this child. Obviously, given where the baby was found, the parents were not interested in being contacted. If I had a child and he or she suddenly disappeared, it would become my life's mission to find them.
Ceja decided that it was no mere coincidence that he had found this child while he had been out for a walk. He made the decision, with the support of his family, to adopt the little girl who was desperately in need of a family of her own.

We need more selfless people like Raul Marin Ceja. Here is the video of him discovering his future daughter.