We're only a few months away from celebrating the most wonderful time of the year, and companies have already prepared some special treats for this festive occasion.
While most people flock to stores to buy peppermint chocolates, Hershey's kisses, gummy Christmas wreath candies, and traditional candy canes, one company is selling Christmas treats that will seriously confuse your taste buds.
But, not everyone's on board...
Archie McPhee is known for their "weird" products, like pickle socks, rubber chicken finger puppets, and their flavored candy canes.
These strange flavors have a lot of people talking, especially their new Mac and Cheese one.
I think I just threw up a little... I love mac and cheese and I like candy canes, but can you imagine the horror?
— Jennifer Rennicks (@JenRennicks) September 27, 2018
I think most of us can agree with this Twitter user:
Okay I love mac and cheese as much as the next guy but NO!!! Keep it to only peppermint and cherry candy canes only! https://t.co/Ssx3m5PGfM
— Spoopy Kyle #Hail Ruby Rose from RWBY (@kylelambert2001) September 27, 2018
But some people aren't afraid to let their taste buds go for a little ride:
To be honest, I kind of want to try these -- #holidays #macandcheesecandycanes #howbadcantheybe Ruin the holidays with these mac and cheese candy canes https://t.co/oacgFUJALh
— ACV (@albanice23) September 27, 2018
I would eat.
— subtle cheddar (@shitfoodblogger) September 28, 2018
Apparently, these candy canes are not as bad as you'd think.
One Instagram user, junkfoodmom, tested the candy canes and reported back that it "smells like cheese and tastes like Mac 'N' Cheese, but the sweetness overpowers the flavor eventually so it's doable."
That's ... comforting ...
This isn't the only strange candy cane flavor the company has released...
Clam-flavored candy canes, or better known as Clamdy Canes, also exist.
If I had to to choose between the Mac and Cheese or Clam flavor, I would definitely go with the first one.
A fishy candy cane, no thank you!
Archie McPhee even has a Bacon Candy Cane, and apparently when the company told Santa Claus about it, "he nearly fell out of his sleigh."
If you really want to trick your friends and family, get the Bacon Candy Cane with a Pickle-favored one.
These ones will really mess with their mind and taste buds!
For something more festive, Archie McPhee also has rotisserie chicken and coal flavored candy canes available on their website.
[H/T: Fox News]
Which of these flavored candy canes would you be willing to try?

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