
Louis C.K. Back In Hot Water After Mocking School Shooting Survivors

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Louis C.K. was at the height of his fame despite years of rumors and innuendo that the charismatic funnyman was more than he seemed. Then the MeToo movement started and his career was swept away with many other long-time predators.

C.K. was accused, and later admitted to, inappropriate and aggressive actions towards crew and cast members on shows he worked on.

In a very public statement he confessed and validated all the claims made against him. He accepted responsibility for the pain he caused and said he'd be stepping back from the spotlight.


Just as well since most of his projects had been abruptly cancelled.

Slowly, C.K. has been working his way back from the career abyss, but it appears he just made another serious misstep.

A leaked recording of C.K.'s new stand-up routine is sure to spark outrage. TMZ reported that it aggressively goes after the survivors of the Parkland school massacre.

Students who survived the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting have been vocal advocates for gun control and victims' rights. Seventeen children were killed and many more wounded.

The comedian apparently takes aim at them for their advocacy.

"You're not interesting cause you went to a high school where kids got shot. Why does that mean I have to listen to you?" He asks the audience of an undetermined location. "You didn't get shot. You pushed some fat kid in the way and now I got to listen to you talk?"

TMZ says the recording is from a Dec 16 show, but little other information is available. The tape initially surfaced on a YouTube channel which has since been deleted.

C.K. has not responded to the leaked tape and it remains to be seen if he continues the routine while he tours. It appears to go over well with the audience even if it certainly won't with the internet.

Many people naturally expressed outrage, but what might sting the most is the reaction from fans who stuck by him after the sex harassment scandal.


Many people were encouraged that he could change after he accepted responsibility for his deplorable behavior, but if this is any indication, he might need more time away from the stage.

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