They say that art is in the eye of the beholder, but in this case it's in the mouth of the muncher. For most of us it's hard to resist tearing into a bag of Cheetos the moment you open it, only stopping long enough to wipe the orange dust off your fingers.
But Cheetos is warning their customers to keep their eyes peeled for any masterpieces hiding in their snack food bags. If you're not careful, you could eat a Cheeto worth $50,000.

The company has opened the Cheetos Museum, which showcases some of the weirdest Cheeto shapes ever discovered. There's an online version that you can browse, but some Cheetos are actually on display in a New York art gallery - yes, really.

The Ripley's Believe It Or Not! museum in Times Square is showcasing some Cheetos masterpieces right now, and if you find anything that belongs on display with them it could be worth your while.
Click the next page to learn more about the contest!
Any unusual shape you find in your bag of regular Cheetos, Puffs or Flamin' Hot Cheetos could net you $50,000. Just upload your photo to the Cheetos Museum (it helps if you include what it's supposed to look like) and you could win the $50,000 grand prize in August.
Even if you don't discover the Mona Lisa of Cheetos art, you can still win $5,000 for finding the most interesting Cheeto of the week. And hey, you get to eat a lot of Cheetos while you search for your muse, so even if you lose you're still a winner!
Check out some of these incredibly cheesy finds if you need some inspiration to win the contest!
Share this story, and show off any Cheetos art you discover in the comments!