Saying goodbye to someone you love is very difficult, especially someone as important as your own father.
Bailey Sellers was just 16 when her father died, after a six month battle with pancreatic cancer. Before he passed away, the two became very close. "I became home-schooled so that I could help my mom out," Bailey explained, "because he couldn't work anymore."

But while Michael Sellers was preparing for the end his life, he was thinking about Bailey's future.
The result of his plans arrived at the Sellers family home just a few months after Michael died, on Bailey's 17th birthday. A bouquet of flowers was left on the doorstep, with a note that read "I loved you first...happy 17th! Love, Dad."

Michael's wife Kristy says he shared the plan with her a month before he died, explaining that he had purchased a bouquet of flowers for Bailey's next five birthdays, and left a special note with each one.
This year, Bailey received her final bouquet, and after sharing her story - and her dad's touching final message - it's gone viral.
Turning 21 must have been bittersweet for Bailey; she received another bouquet from her late father, but this would be his final gift.

Bailey shared a photo of her beautiful bouquet on Twitter, along with her father's last message:

"Bailey, this is my last love letter to you until we meet again. I do not want you to shed another tear for me my baby girl for I am in a better place. You are and always will be the most precious jewel I was given. It is your 21st birthday and I want you to always respect your momma and yourself. Be happy and live life to the fullest. I will still be with you through every milestone, just look around and there I'll be."
Bailey's mother revealed that Michael had another request: if Bailey ever gets married, he hoped that her husband would carry on the birthday tradition he started.
And how would her father feel about all the attention his special messages have gotten on social media?
"He would be very proud," Sellers told the New York Post. "He would honestly say it was God. He'd be very proud that it touched a lot of people."
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[H/T: New York Post, Fox News]