Every year, kids around the country get all excited for Santa to visit. They make their lists and send it off to the North Pole, and wait for Christmas morning to find out if they've been naughty or nice.
While most people assume that kids always ask for toys for themselves, one organization has proved that there are many kids out there who are hoping to have some of the most basic needs filled.
Clothing, beds, shoes, and all of the things that most kids don't have to worry about become the top concerns of those children whose families are having a hard time.
One organization has brought attention to this and is doing everything they can to help these kids get the things they need and hopefully brighten up their holiday season.
It's called Sincerely Santa and the organization's mission is to get all the kids who need that little bit of extra help.
Kids write letters to Santa, and the organization finds sponsors to make sure that all the things on the lists come true to the best of their abilities.
As we already mentioned, these kids are not asking for game systems or popular toys. For example, one child wrote "Dear Santa Claus, I would like a bed. Because I have to sleep on the floor because I do not have a bed."
This example from 2012 was shared by the organization who revealed that this family actually had 3 kids all sleeping on the floor, but thanks to their sponsors, each of those kids received their own bed, mattress, dressers, comforters, pillows, decorations, and even some toys to make sure that they had all the essentials and a few things just for fun.
The community came together to help these kids, and they've made this an annual tradition. Other notes to Santa ask for shoes, clothes, notebooks, food, and even bottles and diapers for babies. Kids write asking for things for themselves and their siblings, really going above and beyond to show how much they care about their families.
Some stories are pretty sad, and while I don't know how the sponsor's could manage to help, they always try their best. One child wrote "I wish that my mother and father could move to my grandma's house because I live there and my mom and dad do not and well, that is the only thing I want please."
If you want to help every child have a merry Christmas, you can help out by heading to their site to find out more.
Source - Sincerely Santa / Tampa Bay Times / Facebook - Sincerely Santa / Fox26
I think we can all agree that all Children deserve to have a merry Christmas, and this is such a nice way to make that happen.