In the world of country music, it's hard to find someone with a nicer reputation than Keith Urban.
It was just a few months ago that Urban hilariously thanked a woman (who didn't recognize him) for paying for his sandwich.
Now, the singer has one-upped himself, with a heartwarming video of his recent visit with a dying fan.
"We knew how important it was to Marissa to be at that concert tonight."

Ask her family and they'll tell you, Marissa English, 25, is Keith Urban's biggest fan.
But a number of health conditions kept her from seeing his latest concert in Toledo, Ohio, even though she had tickets.
Since birth, English has lived with a number of serious conditions, including a cyst on her brain, cerebral palsy, and scoliosis.
Now, her nurses say she will soon be in hospice care, and her doctors are not optimistic.
"Go home and enjoy her for possibly a year," one reportedly told her parents. "That might be the longest you have her."
Missing what could be her last chance to see Urban was painful for English, who has photos of the star posted in her hospital room.
"She just has such a fascination with Keith and loves to watch him on TV and listen to his music," said her nurse Jackie Codding.
English even has a Keith Urban tour t-shirt wrapped around one of her pillows.
"It's actually cute because she'll pick up the pillow and hug it and kiss it... she'll point at it and say 'Mr. Hottie,'" said English's mother, Marlise Matthews.

Knowing that seeing Urban again would lift their patient's spirit, English's nurses started a social media campaign to bring the star to St. Vincent Hospital, or at least to speak with English on FaceTime.
"We knew how important it was to Marissa to be at that concert tonight," said nurse Jan Cassidy, "and since she wasn't able to we were hoping to try and find some way to have Keith make a connection with her."
"We could never express how much this meant to us today."

Against all odds, Urban saw the messages on social media, and gave English and her family more than they could have hoped for.
Not only did the singer visit English in the hospital, and spend time talking with her, but he also sang one of her favorite songs, "Blue Aint' Your Color," at her bedside.
The smile on English's face as he belts out the tune says it all.
Posted by Kristi Coe Frederick on Thursday, October 18, 2018
English's sister, Madison, wrote on Instagram that Urban was "so into her and I bawled like a baby."
"You are a class act," she told the singer, "and we could never express how much this meant to us today."
Even at his concert later that night, which was attended by English's family and some of her ICU nurses, his visit with English was still on Urban's mind.
The singer told his fans he had met "a beautiful girl named Marissa," and that he "truly" though she was "my biggest fan."
He even dedicated his entire show in Toledo to English, proving once and for all that Urban is the nicest guy in country music.
[H/T: WTOL, Toledo Blade]