Every year after Halloween, Jimmy Kimmel asks parents to trick their kids by telling them they ate all their candy. It usually ends with hilarious results (for the parents at least), as you get to watch the kids process that all their trick-or-treating loot is gone.
Of course, it never actually is. The whole bit is in good fun and will undoubtedly be used as blackmail when the kids get older.

However, this year things are a little different. Because of his son's medical needs, Jimmy Kimmel has taken a leave of absence from his show. He's enlisted a group of celebrities to take over his hosting duties while he's gone, such as Shaq, Dave Grohl, Channing Tatum, and Jennifer Lawrence.
Last night, it was Magic Mike's Channing Tatum who was on-call to host, and he decided to dance his way onto the stage.
Tatum also had the honors of announcing this year's "I Ate My Kid's Halloween Candy" prank. But to kick things off, Tatum and Kimmel decided to get in on the action themselves.
Channing Tatum certainly loves all aspects of being a father. For Halloween, he dressed up as a unicorn to head to a party with his daughter.
As a way of embracing his host duties, Tatum decided to tell his daughter that he ate all her Halloween candy.
"Look, I figured if I'm asking you to do this to your kids, I should probably do it to mine too," he said.
Eerly, who's 4 year old, was not impressed.
Then, Kimmel himself sent in a video showing him doing the same to his 3-year-old daughter, Jane.
Jane didn't seem as upset as Everly, but she was still pretty bummed.
Have you ever pulled a prank like this on your kids?