If you didn't believe Jesus has the power to save lives, think again.
According to police, on May 28, a statue of a homeless Jesus Christ prevented a junk removal truck from colliding into nearby pedestrians and vehicles, when its breaks failed to work in Hamilton, Ontario.
The driver steered his truck towards the curb at St. Patrick's Church, and ended up crashing into the bench featuring the religious statue, which prevented any further accidents and injuries to the city's busy traffic.
"Thank you to the kind folks who helped us move our poor #HomelessJesus after the crash. We'll get him back up shortly! #HamOnt," the Twitter account of St. Patrick's Church said.
Since the bronze statue depicts a homeless Jesus covered in a blanket with his feet's open wounds on full display, citizens were originally distraught about what they saw, as they had believed it was a real person.
In January 2016, the city's paramedics received an onslaught of calls from worried residents over the alleged "person's" well-being in the cold winter weather.
"It is heartwarming to see the public's concern for the well-being of those in need," Hamilton Paramedic Service operations supervisor Edward Harris said in an email to CBC.
"We put out the tweet to educate the public on the statue, its location and to provide additional information on local shelter services."
The statue was created by Ontario artist Tim Schmalz, who has made other homeless Jesus instillations located in cities including Grand Haven, Phoenix, Washington, Chicago, and Dublin, Ireland.
For more on our Lord and Savior, check out these fascinating articles:
- Jesus' Tomb Was Opened, What They Found Inside Was Stunning
- They Found A 240-Year-Old Message Inside The Butt Of A Jesus Statue
- World Bible Society Claims Jesus Will Return By 2028