It's been a fairly quiet time for Jenelle Evans, in that she hasn't been making headlines at all. However, the former Teen Mom 2 star just broke back on the scene after announcing that she was splitting from her husband David Eason. The news comes as a bit of a shock, mainly because Evans had previously said she had no plans to divorce the father of her daughter, Ensley. So what's changed? Another Teen Mom star thinks she has the answer.

The Incident
If you'll recall, Eason fell under severe scrutiny after he shot and killed the family dog, Nugget, for nipping at his daughter's face. Evans was extremely upset, but Eason wrote on his Instagram page that he didn't care because he was protecting his family.

“I dont give a damn what animal bites my baby on the face. Whether it be your dog or mine, a dog is a dog and I dont put up with that s—t at all. I’m all about protecting my family, it is my lifes mission,” he wrote. “Some people are worth killing or dying for and my family means that much to me. You can hate me all you want but this isnt the first time the dog bit Ensley aggressively. The only person that can judge weather [sic] or not a animal is a danger to MY CHILD is ME.”
The Aftermath

Obviously Evans was distraught, and stories starting flying about her being scared of David, running away from home with the kids, and even considering divorce.
"Everyone just please leave me be right now, I don't need anymore f*****g drama!" she on Instagram. "I didn't 'run away from home.' Haven't been home all day and been busy taking care of my kids and myself. Had no idea any visitors came by my house... still don't know what happened at my house. Please stop making up rumors. I haven't spoken to any media and still not. Bye. Until I speak about a situation don't assume a damn thing about me."

Not long after the story broke, MTV announced that it was firing Evans from the show. Eason had already been let go after posting homophobic remarks on social media.
"MTV ended its relationship with David Eason over a year ago in February 2018 and has not filmed any new episodes of "˜Teen Mom 2' with him since," spokesperson said. "Additionally, we have stopped filming with Jenelle Eason as of April 6, 2019 and have no plans to cover her story in the upcoming season."

After the firing, Evans began to speak out a little more on the situation, saying she was considering divorce.
"At this time, we are dealing with this rough situation. I want to focus on what's best for me and my kids," she said, noting that the couple were not on speaking terms. "[Divorce is] in thoughts, but nothing is finalized. ... I'm too hurt and upset at the fact he did that. It's taking time to get over this whole situation, and it's making me feel he's very cruel and doesn't have a heart on many ends. David killed my dog Nugget because he snapped at my 2-year-old, Ensley. He doesn't put up with that and those are his beliefs. He just took her and shot her in the woods ... about two acres away from the house."

However, nothing ever came of it, even though the couple lost custody of their kids for over a month. Evans and Eason had to complete parenting and anger management courses, and during an Instagram Q&A, she said that it was hard to stick with Eason after he killed Nugget.
"Honestly, yes," Evans admitted. "We were on bad terms for almost a week. Didn't talk much. He knows how upset it made me. Now that we are getting over this incident our relationship has got a lot stronger. David has completed anger management as well."

It seemed like Eason and Evans were really going to try and make it work, but now that's not the case.
The Split
Evans has been keeping away from her Instagram page in the last few weeks, but on October 31st she made a shocking announcement.
"I've mostly kept off social media the past few days because I've been focused on making some big life decisions," she wrote. "I've lived my life on camera since I was 17 years old. And a lot of it hasn't been pretty. But it's been my life. Like anyone else I want what's best for my kids and I want to be happy. With time away from Teen Mom, I've started to look at my life differently and I know I need to make changes. I'm starting that now."

"The kids and I have moved away from David," Evans revealed. "Nobody gets into a marriage expecting it to end but I know that's what is best for me, and for my kids. Today I've filed papers to start that process. I appreciate the support from everybody who has asked how I am. Me and the kids are doing great. We need some time to be together. But you'll hear from us again soon."

The Reason?
Most people are thrilled that Evans has decided to move on from Eason, and he's been known to be verbally abusive and at times seems unstable. But here's the's possible Evans is just doing it to get back on MTV.

TMZ is reporting that Evans wasn't financially ready to be cut from Teen Mom, and having three kids to support with no income wasn't working for her. She's now trying to make a case to MTV that she's not only a ratings grabber, it's also unfair for them to fire her based off of Eason's actions. Now that she's no longer with him, there's no reason for her to not be on the show. Evans and her team are trying to set up a meeting with MTV in New York ASAP, as they think a Thanksgiving and Christmas special with a freshly-separated Evans would be a huge pull for the network.

TMZ also ran into former cast member Farrah Abraham, who admits she's happy that Evans is now moving on, but thinks that there might be something shady about it.
“I think a lot of us have been saying to Jenelle you should, you know, maybe part ways, get a divorce, for the betterment of her kids and herself, and maybe David, her husband, as well," Abraham said. "I just hear it in the way of going back to TV, and I think women like myself and others, who just want better careers and better circumstances for our kids, we do the right things instead of just wanting to go back to television. Will things change when she gets a divorce, just to go back to TV? I don’t know. I’m just confused about her real intentions. Is it for her safety, and her health, and everyone’s well-being, or is it just to get back on TV?”

“I love that it’s a step in the right direction," she continued. "I just guess that it’s influenced by TV, to do that step in the right direction, and I guess that’s one positive, out of doing it for TV, but I think we have to do it for ourselves as human beings.”

“I hope it’s not [a hidden agenda]," Abraham admitted. "I hope it’s not. And I always wish all the moms the best … I find there are so many women that are in a place with a man that doesn’t complement them, and they have kids, and I think showing it in that way, in a good story and a good light, is great. But to keep repeating that cycle for over ten years now? That’s really… that’s nothing I want to watch. And my daughter doesn’t want to watch that either, any more. I won’t be [viewing] but I do wish them all the best.”

Evans has a decent case to get back on the show if she's not with Eason, especially when you consider that the network still employs Amber Portwood, who's currently charged with two felonies after attacking her ex-fiancé while he was holding their infant son.

If Evans has split with Eason just to get back on TV, I really don' think that's right. However, if she's doing it because it's the right move for her and her family, then more power to her.