By now, you've probably heard that Jenelle Evans' husband, David Eason, shot and killed their family dog after he nipped at the couple's daughter Ensley. The story has made headlines, and even resulted in Evans getting fired from Teen Mom 2, where she's been a mainstay for years.

"MTV ended its relationship with David Eason over a year ago in February 2018 and has not filmed any new episodes of "˜Teen Mom 2' with him since," a spokesperson for MTV said. "Additionally, we have stopped filming with Jenelle Eason as of April 6, 2019 and have no plans to cover her story in the upcoming season."

The next big question was how this situation would affect Evans and Eason's relationship. Evans made it clear that she was "considering divorce," but wouldn't say for sure what was going to happen.
"At this time, we are dealing with this rough situation. I want to focus on what's best for me and my kids," she said shortly after this all happened. "[Divorce is] in thoughts, but nothing is finalized. ... I'm too hurt and upset at the fact he did that. It's taking time to get over this whole situation, and it's making me feel he's very cruel and doesn't have a heart on many ends. David killed my dog Nugget because he snapped at my 2-year-old, Ensley. He doesn't put up with that and those are his beliefs. He just took her and shot her in the woods ... about two acres away from the house."

Both local authorities and CPS wanted to intervene with the family for the safety of the kids, but because of Eason's public declaration that he'll harm trespassers on his property, plus his love of guns, they have been hesitant to approach the house.
Now, however, the situation has reached new heights. Evans' kids, Jace, Kaiser, and Ensley, have all been, or are in the process of being, removed from the home. Nine-year-old Jace, who lives with his grandmother who has primary custody, is not allowed back to Evans' home until the investigation is complete. TMZ is also reporting that authorities are close to removing Ensley from the home, as well. She will be given to Barbara as well.

As for 4-year-old Kaiser, Evans confirmed that he was taken from his daycare by his father Nathan Griffith's mother, Doris. He'll stay in Griffith's care until the investigation is complete.
"Kaiser was taken from his daycare by his grandmother with no notice or call to me," the reality star said to Us Weekly. "CPS told Doris to take Kaiser without my consent and still have no legal paperwork signed by the judge stating my kids are taken from me. Nathan and I have talked briefly regarding this situation. [He] and I are to appear in court later this month."

"Our current custody order is still in place," Evans said of her arrangement with Griffith. "Nathan is to have supervised visits and only supervised by Doris. Surprisingly, me and Nathan have been getting along, so I'm willing to maybe let his visits be unsupervised. Me and Nathan have been in contact during all of this. He doesn't want Kaiser taken from me. My legal team has been on this since it [occurred]. I've been fighting to get my son back, as they went behind my back and removed him without my consent."

Evans also revealed that divorce is currently off the table, and that marriage counseling is the way to proceed.
"My relationship with David now is still in a healing process, of course," Evans explained. "We are going to start going to marriage counseling because he feels as if we both need it. I completely agree. Not considering divorce unless he refuses counseling with me."

Eason's 11-year-old daughter, Maryssa, still lives with the couple, and it doesn't appear as though that's changed soon.
"David has full custody over her and still homeschools her," Evans said. "Maryssa has been with us since everything has been going down. She is frustrated with the media she sees online about her father because she knows the truth what goes on in our household. At this time, I want to focus on what's best for myself and my family. My lawyer has been advising me on what to do and what has gone wrong in this whole situation."
Christopher Adkins, a family lawyer in North Carolina, spoke to Hollywood Life about the situation, though he is not currently working on the case. He did say, however, that this situation could be more drawn out than anyone intended, especially when it comes to custody battles.

"In order to prove to CPS that the children will have a safe environment, they will have to show that there are no guns accessible, I don't think this is an issue here but there are no drugs left out, they are completing some kind of anger management program, then that is when CPS feels comfortable to allow the children to return to their home," Adkins said. "Additionally, if the fathers to Jenelle's other kids made reports to CPS, it might be grounds to modify their current custody arrangement. So this could negatively affect her, and have her current custody order modified."

Personally, I think something needs to be done so that Evans finally realizes how serious this situation is, and how dangerous Eason can be. His temper has proven to be problematic in the past, but now it's putting the family at risk.