I cannot begin to count the number of "apocalypses" that I have survived in the last couple of decades. It's reasonable to say that there seems to be a new one coming down the pipe every year. Y2K came and went without incident and December 23, 2012 was a joke.
Last week Orange County, California residents received a shock when their regularly scheduled programming was interrupted by what was supposed to be a routine emergency broadcast test, this one was a little different though.
Instead of the regular tone and "this is a test" speech, they got a minute long announcement predicting the end of the world. "Realize this, extremely violent times will come," a man's voice boomed, according to a video of the alert.
All cable viewers should have seen the same thing, a typically emergency test that most of us don't even pay attention to anymore, but instead they got a, joke/mistake/hack that no one can completely explain.
Some people assumed it was a hack, "I was definitely startled, 'cause the volume increased exponentially," she said. "I wasn't alarmed in the sense of thinking something was wrong, 'cause I assumed it was some sort of hack. My channel changed back to Bravo after a couple minutes."

Needless to say California, and the rest of the world are still chugging along.
Some think that the audio alert was somehow related to David Meade, a man who thought the end of the world would happen this past Saturday. He "predicted" that a constellation (as prophesied in the book of Revelation) would show up in the sky over Jerusalem, signaling the rapture.

Here is an interview with him, see how long you can sit through it.