Did Annie Oakley come back? According to these videos she just might have.
Little Addysson Soltau, or Alpha Addy, has become internet famous with her sharpshooting skills. It's even more impressive considering the young Texan is only 8 years old.
Shooting might be considered a strange hobby for a child, but when Addy saw sharpshooter Katelyn Francis on a YouTube video she knew it was what she wanted to do.
"I looked at all her videos and here was a girl a little older than me having fun shooting firearms. I didn't think girls could do stuff like that," said Addy.

Two years later she's been making videos of her own, firing handguns, rifles and even machine guns.
This is not a little girl you want to mess with. She also holds a first degree purple belt in Karate and wont the state championship in that sport.
Even as skilled as she is, Addy says that safety is always the first priority.
"We go over all the safety rules, plus a few extra every single day before I am allowed to even touch my gun."
The girl is fully committed to the sport of competitive shooting, but she has another goal in mind too.

"I really hope that a little girl sees my YouTube videos and is inspired the same way I was by Katelyn Francis."