Before there were plastic trays, and freezers that automatically made it, ice cubes were created in metal trays that look like something out of a mechanic's shop.
Many people today wouldn't recognize this common household kitchen gadget.
Some may have seen it at antique sales, rummage shops or grandma's house, but this gadget that was found in most kitchens has become harder to find, since it has been modernized.

Think you know what it is? Continue to the next page to see if you're right.
In 1933, the first flexible stainless steel ice cube tray was invented by Guy Tinkham.
Flexing the tray cracked the ice into cubes along the dividing points in the tray.

General Utilities Mfg. where Tinkham was the vice-president, produced the invention named the McCord ice tray and it cost 50ยข in 1933.

Before they were sold on mass, the first ice cube trays were believed to have been invented to help sick patients. In 1844, American physician John Gorrie built a refrigerator to make ice to cool the air for his yellow fever patients. Some believe that Dr. Gorrie may have invented the first ice cube tray since it was documented that his patients were receiving drinks with ice in them.
What do you think of the modernization of the ice cube tray?