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A Chiropractor Warns: Don't Sleep on Your Right Side!

Numerous people face sleeping difficulties on a daily basis, and the lack of sleep can increase the risk of numerous ailments and health issues, like high blood pressure, depression, high stress levels, and increased weight.  

Experts recommend sleeping for at least 7-8 hours every night, but despite the quantity of the sleep, we should also think about the quality of the rest we get.

The position we sleep in is an important factor in this, as it can offer many health benefits, or aggravate our health issues.

According to the chiropractor and sleep expert Dr. John Douillard, sleeping on the left side beneficially affects sleep quality, and boosts overall health and longevity.

He claims:

"Emphasizing the left side for rest and sleep offers some time-tested wisdom for very real health and longevity benefits."

He explains the reasons for this:

1. Stops snoring

Studies have shown that sleeping on the left side will reduce snoring, which might negatively affect the function of the heart, and help in the case of sleep apnea.

2. Supports the lymphatic system

Sleeping on the left side will help the elimination of toxins, waste, or lymph fluid from the body.

3. Relieves heartburn

Sleeping on the left side will be of great help when you suffer from heartburn or have a sensitive stomach.

4. Improves heart health

This sleeping position will boost the function of the heart and prevent cardiovascular issues.


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