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He's Confused When Teen Spends $65 On Coats At Thrift Store, Then Realizes They're Not For Him

So often, when I look at all the problems in the world around me, I feel overwhelmed. Where does one even begin to start helping?

But as one amazing young man recently demonstrated, you don't necessarily have to do something big to change the world. Sometimes all it takes is one small, compassionate gesture.

Haley Stewart shared the story that her dad told her after he got back from a shopping trip at Goodwill.

It was a cold winter day when he went into the store. As he stood in line, he noticed a young man with a pile of coats. As the salesperson rang them up, they totaled about $65.

It was definitely coat weather, but he couldn't figure out why one person would need $65-worth of thrift store coats, so he asked the young man what he was doing.

The teen's answer left him stunned. He said he was buying the coats to give out to the homeless.

Hayley's dad was so touched by the young man's kindness and compassion that he rushed home to share the story with his family, and Hayley, in turn, shared it on Facebook.

"We don't know who you are, Sir, but you deserve recognition!" she wrote. "Keep being an amazing person!"

If more people were like this young man, the world would be a much better place. Hopefully his kind act will inspire others to show the same kind of compassion and care for people in need.

Were you touched by this young man's kindness toward the homeless? Then share it!

The post He's Confused When Teen Spends $65 On Coats At Thrift Store, Then Realizes They're Not For Him appeared first on Good Inside Us.

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