There are a wide range of health conditions that take place as we grow older and some of them have a way of sneaking up when we least expect them. Diabetes certainly falls into this category and while the symptoms can be tough to identify, we are here to help. Let's take a closer look at nine of the most commonly neglected early warning signs.
1. The need to urinate often
If you have started to go to the bathroom more often than normal, this could be a sign of diabetes. The extra bathroom breaks happen when the body is no longer able to break down food in the manner we are accustomed to.
2. Losing Weight

Are the pounds falling off without you even trying? What seems like a blessing in disguise may actually be a sign of diabetes that needs to be addressed.
3. Wounds healing slower
Bruises and cuts that are not healing as quickly as they once did are often a symptom of diabetes. The immune system is compromised and this affects the healing process.
4. Ravishing Hunger or Thirst

When our body can no longer process glucose in the same way, we become hungry and thirsty on a more frequent basis. If you are becoming hungry and/or thirsty late at night more often, this can also be a sign.
5. Discoloration of the skin
Are there any unsightly skin discolorations taking place in the armpit or neck region? What about the groin? Darker patches of skin on these parts of the body are a sign of diabetes. If it feels like velvet to the touch, see a medical professional right away.
6. Tired

An increased amount of fatigue could mean that we are experiencing something a little more dangerous than some mere indigestion. Needing long naps is not just a product of getting older. It could mean that a blood sugar issue is taking place.
7. Problems with vision
When glucose is allowed to build up inside of the body, our vision is affected. Blurry vision could be a sign of diabetes.
8. Tingling

If the blood sugar levels in our system start to become too high, this can cause us to experience tingling in the extremities. Tingling in our hands or feet needs to be addressed immediately.
9. Bleeding Gums
Bloody gums are a symptom of diabetes that is often attributed to other physical ailments. Even something as simple as overly harsh flossing or brushing can cause the gums to bleed and these wounds will become very slow to heal.
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