<div><p>Today's population can barely make it two seconds without having their phone in their hand. Kids, adults, it doesn't matter. We've become addicted to being connected. </p><p>But the cost of keeping connected can sometimes be too much. </p><p>Charging your phone may seem like a basic habit, but there's a lot to consider when doing so. One man was even <a href="https://www.shared.com/he-was-almost-electrocuted-because-of-his-phone-charger/">electrocuted </a>when his dog chains got caught in the extension cord. </p><p>But now there's a new danger on the rise in regards to charging your phone.</p><div><amp-twitter height="472" width="375" layout="responsive" data-tweetid="699392033463672832"></amp-twitter></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>People are sleeping with their phones in their beds or under their pillows, which in turn is causing fire hazards across the country. NYPD 33rd Precinct Deputy Inspector Wilson Arambole posted pictures from 4 separate incidents on his the official Twitter account warning just how dangerous it can be.</p><p>The heat from the charging device coupled with the lack of air flow can cause fire damage, not only to your pillows but to your face, as well. </p><p>Ask yourself if it's worth it to have your phone that close to you while you sleep. What will you REALLY be missing?</p><p></p></div>