Jose Antonio may not have a home, but it doesn't mean that there aren't people who care about him. The 55-year-old homeless man was shocked when a local salon offered to give him a makeover and help him feel like himself again.
Antonio was approached by La Salvajeria salon who offered to give his hair and beard a much needed trim and give him some new clothes. His reaction was truly amazing.

When he first saw his reflection after the makeover, he began to cry tears of joy saying that he didn't even recognize himself.
The salon outfitted him in some brand new clothes and filmed him walking around the town. In an interview with a local TV show, the salon owner revealed that the makeover actually allowed Antionio to get off the streets after receiving financial assistance from an anonymous company.

Jose Antonio is now able to look for work with his new clean cut look. He said "It wasn't just a change of look. It changed my life."