For some people, their front lawn is their pride and joy. Other people may garden and cultivate a vast array of flowers, while others like to keep vegetables growing through the year for a fun, healthy treat. However, people who take pride in their lawn are another breed entirely.

A neat and orderly trim, the softness of well-maintained grass, the feel of the morning dew under your feet when you step outside in the morning, the smell of a freshly-mowed lawn, all of it is enough to make Hank Hill and people like him feel like they've really achieved the finer things in life.

Of course, with this much love and devotion to anything comes being protective. You've invested so much of your life into this sweet baby, and the next thing you know some jerk is going to try to walk all over it, or even worse, let their dog do their business on it! We can't have that, can we?!

Well one Australian man who loves his lawn has been subjected to some of the cruelest and most unusual punishment this writer has ever seen; not only has his poor lawn been defaced, but it was done by one of those belligerent Minions from the Despicable Me movies. No, seriously...
Bradley Nicklin had recently posted a Snapchat story of his beautiful, lush green lawn, which apparently is no small feat to maintain in Australia given the numerous droughts that have plagued the continent over the years. He was clearly proud of his achievement, but it looks like his desire to show it off might have attracted some unwanted and... despicable attention.

According to the West Australian, several days later, Nicklin awoke to find that a chunk of his lawn was mysteriously missing, and appeared to have been dug up with a shovel. He decided to investigate further.
"I noticed it was done with a shovel, not an animal, so I went through the [CCTV]. We couldn't stop laughing."

It turns out, an enormous, over 6 ft tall inflatable Minion scampered over to his lawn, shovel in hand, and proceeded to dig up part of the turf. But it didn't stop there, oh no. Over the next few days, the Minion began to taunt Nicklin over social media, posting an array of photos and videos of itself with his beloved property.

"I've got a funny feeling it's one of my mates because I sent a Snapchat earlier that weekend saying how good my grass was," said Bradley.
Do you think this despicable thief should be brought to justice?