Mark Aulger was diagnosed with cancer shortly before his wife was told she was pregnant with their fifth child. This gave him the strength to pull through and fight the cancer so he could meet his baby girl.
After being cleared of stage 3 cancer the family celebrated the holidays, but on New Year's Day tragedy stuck and Mark collapsed.
He was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis which causes scarring on the lungs that stop oxygen from flowing to the brain and other organs. He was given a week to live and would never get to meet his child.
But his wife had a different plan. While she had planned on having a natural birth, the thought that her husband would never meet their child was not one she wanted to experience, so she induced early so the baby could be born before he passed away.

Savannah was delivered via C-section with her father in the bed right next to her other. Diane, his wife, went on The Doctors to share her story and said that "I thought I would be having her by myself, I was very happy they were going to keep us together for the birth."
Mark was the first to hold the baby and "you could see the complete pain in his eyes. He still talked to her and told her that he was her daddy and that he loved her."

Their story is a heartbreaking one, with five kids to take care of Diane lost the love of her life. Before he passed away Diane placed Savannah in his arms one more time. "I put her in his arms and held his hand until he stopped breathing."

Nothing will replace having her father in her life, but at least Savannah will know that her daddy fought hard to stay alive and that she got to meet him at least a couple times before he passed away.