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Heartbroken Parents Mourn Toddler's Death After Doctors Initially Misdiagnosed Stage 4 Cancer

<div><p><em>A 3-year-old British toddler lost his fight with stage 4 brain cancer and now his grieving parents want this story to reach as many parents as possible.</em></p><p>When Rachel and Ashley Round took their three-year-old son Charlie to the hospital, doctors told them the lump on his head was just a normal bump. </p><p>It was June the first time doctors sent them home, dismissing Charlie's large lump as nothing of consequence. But one week later, the lump was still there. </p><amp-iframe sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" layout="responsive" frameborder="0" height="9" width="16" src=";width=500"></amp-iframe><p>His concerned parents brought him back to the hospital one week later. This time, the general practitioner dismissed it. But when the worried parents noticed the lump on their baby's head had grown, they brought him back to the GP. </p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>Again, the doctor told them to visit another hospital.</p><amp-iframe sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" layout="responsive" frameborder="0" height="9" width="16" src=";width=500"></amp-iframe><p>Although the doctor at their fourth appointment told them it was "insignificant," Rachel demanded an ultrasound. Tragically, her instinct was spot-on: Charlie had a 3-inch tumor in his head and a 5-inch tumor in his stomach. </p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>It took more than a month for doctors to diagnose their little boy with neuroblastoma - stage four cancer.</p><amp-iframe sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" layout="responsive" frameborder="0" height="9" width="16" src=";width=500"></amp-iframe><p>"It is crazy that it was misdiagnosed for four weeks," Rachel told <a href=""><em><em>The Sun</em></em></a> last summer. "It is an aggressive cancer. It forms really quickly so those weeks are crucial."</p><p>His parents quit their jobs and dedicated the next nine months to supporting and caring for their terminally ill toddler. When he couldn't hold on any longer, Charlie passed away in his mommy's arms. </p><amp-iframe sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" layout="responsive" frameborder="0" height="9" width="16" src=";width=500"></amp-iframe><p>Although very little could be done to prevent Charlie's illness from taking his life, his mom wants other parents to be aware. </p><p>"Our baby boy was a fun-loving and happy child and he suddenly changed. We knew he hadn't knocked his head," Rachel told <a href=""><em><em>The Sun</em></em></a> in July. "We want to raise awareness for other parents who might not be pushy and might trust the doctors."</p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>"If this information were to help just one little baby be diagnosed earlier than this," she said, "it would be well worth it."</p><p>Rest in peace, Charlie.</p><div><figure><a href="" target="_blank"><amp-img src="" srcset=" 550w, 650w, 750w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img></a><figcaption class="op-vertical-center"><cite><a href="" target="_blank">Charlie Round/Facebook</a></cite></figcaption></figure></div><p>Source: <a href="">Women'sDay</a> / &nbsp;<a href="">Facebook</a></p><p></p></div>

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