<div><p>Haven't you always wanted to know exactly what your cat was saying to you? It could be nice to hear what they think, maybe even get the coveted "I love you."</p><p>Or, you could confirm what you've known all long: yours is the sassiet cat on the planet and everything he has to say is promptly followed up with some shade. </p><p>Would you open that pandora's box? </p><p>Cat snack company Temptations has 'created' a pretty cool little device called <a href="http://catterbox.com/">The Catterbox</a>. It supposedly translates your cat's meows to common English phrases. See it in action here:</p><div><div><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="zP_Aw9EMB-U"></amp-youtube></div></div></div><p>What do you think? Is it real? </p><p>If it is, would you buy this for your cat? Let us know in the comments below!</p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p></div>
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