Do you believe in ghosts? If you do, then you don't really need any convincing, but if you're a skeptic then a couple of security footage from a restaurant that is allegedly haunted could change your mind.

Cronies Sports Grill, a restaurant located in Ventura, California, is the latest establishment to claim ghost sightings. Being that it's almost Halloween, you'd think that this is just another prank, but from the looks of it, there may be more to the mystery than meets the eye.
The restaurant posted two videos from their security cameras to their Facebook page, each one showing some spooky on goings in the dining area.
The eatery's co-owner Dave Foldes told CBS2 that since starting the restaurant 27 years ago, "nothing weird like that has ever happened."

So what exactly has everyone freaking out?
The first footage shared by the family-friendly grill captured a bar stool mysteriously falling over after hours.
See it for yourself in the video below (around the 0:15 mark):
Spooky CroniesWARNING: THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED. I hope it doesn't continue or worse, spread to other Cronies locations. #haunted
Posted by Cronies on Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Still skeptical? Perhaps the second video of a different chair moving all by itself during business hours while the patrons dined will help.
One of the customers even got up to investigate why a piece of furniture was suddenly moving on its own, but she couldn't find anything.
Take a look:
Chair Moved BY ITSELF At CroniesCUSTOMERS REPORT SELF MOVING CHAIR! Another strange and unexplainable happening at Cronies Ventura! Jimmy shows Aubrey on our security camera what a table of customers saw in real life!
Posted by Cronies on Monday, October 16, 2017
"For this to happen it's pretty creepy," said Foldes. No kidding!
Thankfully for Foldes, the possible haunting isn't causing his loyal customers to turn away. They've called the event "funny" and "interesting."
"I'm okay until it's my chair that moves," a customer jokingly told CBS2.
Another added that it's possible that the ghost(s) was one of the bar's former customers, and it seems like Foldes also thinks this is very likely.
"We have a lot of good spirits here, I like to think," said Foldes, referring to the photographs of former patrons and employees who have passed away.

If there are indeed ghosts at Cronies, Foldes thinks Ralph and Don, the restaurant's "first originals," are very likely to be behind the recent harmless events.
"They actually introduced me to my wife. And they died 25 years ago," Foldes explained. "Whenever something funny happens, we blame it on them."
It's great that they can laugh about these incidents, but that doesn't make it any less scary.
Do you think Cronies is haunted?