In 2011, Judge Paul Kapalko was diagnosed with carcinoid, a cancer that can take years to detect. Kapalko was given just 4 years to live, but he stuck around for a lot longer and made sure to follow through on a promise for his eldest daughter.
Kapalko's daughters say he really had two loves outside of his work: the New York Yankees and crossword puzzles. He also secretly loved singing karaoke. His go-to artists, according to his kids, were Frank Sinatra and The Eagles.
When Kapalko was diagnosed, his daughter Christina, 23, would made sure to bring him a daily crossword in the hospital and keep him up to date on his Yankees. Casey, 27, would debate him in politics and play cards with him.

In 2016, Casey became engaged to her partner, Stephanie, and Paul immediately offered to officiate the wedding. He had already fought for more years than doctors expected, so making this promise felt like a perfect idea.
"He was always well-spoken, so thoughtful in his words," Casey told the Asbury Park Press. "We both wanted him to do it."

Continue to the next page to read how Paul fought to keep his promise to his daughter, even on his death bed.
Casey and Stephanie chose November 6th as their wedding date, but it soon became clear that Paul may not make it that long. His health started to deteriorate so the couple chose to move the wedding to May 6th instead.
"He'd keep telling the doctors and nurses let's make it to May 6," Christina said.
However, April came around and Paul was rapidly declining. He was moved to the ICU and Casey knew what had to be done.
"Do you want to get married today?" she asked Stephanie. She, of course, said yes.
The wedding took place in Paul's hospital room, beeping monitors and all. Everyone had to wear gloves and masks, as Paul's immune system was weak, but you could tell he was enjoying every minute of it.
"For as much as the two of you consented to live together in matrimony and be married partners. Having borne witness to this ceremony I can now by the power invested in me by the state of New Jersey say that you are a married couple," Paul said. "You may kiss the bride."
As Stephanie put the ring on Casey's finger, Paul gave them some sage advice.
"The circle is the symbol of the eternal circle of life, because it doesn't have a beginning, it doesn't have an ending," Paul said. "When you place that circle on Casey's finger, what you're really pledging is that you're pledging to love honor and cherish for the rest of your lives, without any end."
12 days later, on April 27th, Paul passed away.
In his honor, Christina plans to run a 5k race to raise funds for cancer research. Fittingly, the race will take place at Yankee Stadium.
"He had plans to go to one more Yankee game with me in this the summer of 2017, but he passed away just weeks before we got the chance," Christina says.
We know Paul is looking down on both his daughters, and his daughter-in-law, and loving their tributes to him!