Fishing trips are supposed to be a fun time for family, but when the Schultz Family went deep sea fishing in Panama their trip was anything but relaxing.
The Schultz family went fishing in the beautiful waters of Pinas Bay, Panama. Bob Schultz, his son Steven and daughter Alison wanted to try to reel in a marlin, commonly known as a swordfish (although that's technically not accurate.)
It became a classic case of "be careful what you wish for."

After a couple hours on the water, Steven felt a big tug on his line. He knew from that first pull that he had a marlin on the hook. He immediately began to reel in and his suspicions were confirmed with the first majestic jump of the giant fish.
Marlins can way up to a 1000 pounds and are recognizable by their 3-foot spear of a nose. In the wild they use the nose to fend off sharks, but it can be just as deadly for unlucky humans.
As Steven continued to reel in the family got more and more nervous. With a great final leap the marlin threw itself at the boat. Bob lunged to get in between the huge fish and his daughter. The marlin turned at the last minute, aiming its sharp bill directly at Steven.

The family could only look on in horror as the marlin impaled Steven's face, and it was all caught on video. Steven's lucky to have survived the incident, but hearing the family's account is chilling.
Take a look: