
Family Who Just Buried Their Two-Year-Old Hit With Unimaginable Tragedy Again

Earlier this year, Brody Allen touched the lives of millions of Americans with his story.

Brody was born with a rare cancer that was quietly growing tumors in his brain. In May he began to display symptoms and was taken to a doctor. That's when the Allen family was hit with a heartbreaking prognosis: Brody wouldn't live through the year.

In September the Brody family, mother Shilo; father Todd; brother Andrew; and sister McKenzie, wanted to spend another Christmas with their boy and decorated their house early. Lights, decorations and other ornaments sprung up and, of course, presents started to be wrapped.

The spectacle inspired the whole Ohio community to celebrate Christmas early and gave Brody a little Christmas miracle.

"He was so happy," McKenzie told the local news. "It was amazing. Not just for him but for everybody."

Sadly, in October Brody succumbed to his disease, and his family began to grieve.

His father Todd posted news of his passing on Facebook. Saying he died peacefully and without pain, in the arms of his mother Shilo.

"Fly high little man..until we see you again. We love you," He finished.

Losing a child is a pain greater than any imaginable and in a cruel twist-of-fate the Allen family is again faced with the unspeakable prospect of burying a child.

Brody's older brother Andrew was hit by multiple cars while crossing the street and he remains in critical condition.

Todd again took to Facebook to reach out for support in the wake of the tragic news.

"I come to you all in need of urgent help," he wrote. "Andrew's condition is very critical. He has a very serious life threatening traumatic brain injury, damage to his kidneys, a small laceration to his spleen, a broken shoulder blade, and a dislocated/broken collar bone."

He says Andrew is in a medically-induced paralysis to avoid further damaging his body.

"Our grief and pain is simply indescribable right now."

The family has set up a GoFundMe campaign to help pay for medical bills and support the family. At the time of writing this they have raised 80% of their goal of $25,000.

You can support them here.

The Allen family is also in dire need of prayers and well-wishes.

"Please, if you're inclined, pray for Andrew's healing and recovery. I don't care what faith, language, religion or perspective in life you come from," Todd writes. "Your prayers, thoughts and well wishes carried us and more importantly, I believe, gave Brody the strength and a little extra time, to live his last days to the fullest with absolute joy. Please, we need your help again."

UPDATE: Andrew is awake. His medical condition has stabilized, but doctors don't yet know the extent of the damage. On the GoFundMe page his father wrote:

"Many of his injuries have been sucessfully operated on . However he has a severe traumatic brain injury. His prognosis is poor due to the severe shearing and multiple mini strokes that occurred as a result of his accident. Doctors are unsure what Andrew's future holds or if he will ever regain his former abilities."

The family still needs love, prayers and support as they adjust to life after the accident.

You can join the Facebook page here and offer your support to this family in need.

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