Sadie was just 15-years-old when she took her own life. Her devastated family is still reeling from the loss, yet they managed to pen a very powerful obituary that directly addresses the bullies that drove their beautiful daughter to suicide last week.
The Pennsylvania family described Sadie as someone who "handled everything life served her," until a recent incident at high school when "things went terribly wrong."
Although she was in counselling and taking medication, until last week, Sadie, was able to maintain a full and interesting young life.
Her family describes her as a softball player who loved "reading, drawing and music." She was also a member of the Solid Rock Christian Fellowship Church in Bedford, Pennsylvania.
Suicide should never be an option. Yet, more and more young people are choosing to take their own lives, than to live one more day with the bombardment of harassment and hatred they face online.
Sadie's family wrote a heartbreakingly honest obituary. Their grief is palpable and, though their loss is profound, they asked those who wished to honor her memory to "be kind to one another, in lieu of flowers."
But it's what they had to say to their daughter's bullies that really resonated with so many who read it.
Read what her family had to say on the next page.
When it comes to the bullies who drove Sadie to take her own life, her family pulls no punches:
"For the bullies involved, please know you were effective in making her feel worthless. That is all between you and God now.
... To all the bullies out there, I just want you to know that as much as we despise your actions never, ever do we wish for you to feel the paralyzing pain that engulfs our bodies, a pain so severe that it makes the simple act of breathing difficult or the guilt that leaves us wondering what we could have done differently-or that struggle to remember the last words we spoke...Our hearts are beyond broken."
It is too late to take back what happened to Sadie, but moving forward, much more needs to be done to stop bullying.
If you or someone you love is being bullied and considering suicide, please consider contacting the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK, texting the Crisis Text Line at 741741 or seeking help from a professional.
[h/t People / ScarryMommy]