Everyone has a favorite flavor of Ben & Jerry's. Some people go for the classics, like Cherry Garcia or Half Baked, while others go for the fancier ones, like Phish Food or If I Had A Million Flavors.
But what we can all agree on is that when Ben & Jerry's introduces a new flavor, it's always exciting.
When they introduced the breakfast cereal ice cream, it was a hit.

Then, when their Bob Marley inspired flavor was released, we started singing "No Woman, No Cry" non-stop.
THEN they released on-the-go ice cream bars that were, honestly, life-changing.

Ben & Jerry's was basically batting 1000 with all their new flavors, and we were here for it. Now, they've added another winner to their list and it combines two of our favorite things: ice cream and Jimmy Fallon.
As you may know, Jimmy Fallon already has two ice cream flavors dedicated to him. The first was called Late Night Snack, which included chocolate covered potato chips, vanilla ice cream, and caramel swirl.
Next came "The Tonight Dough", which is chocolate and vanilla ice cream with cookie swirl, chocolate chip cookie dough, and peanut butter cookie dough.
But this new Fallon flavor is destined to be the best. Meet: Marshmallow Moon.
The new flavor has a vanilla ice cream base and is packed with fudge flakes, marshmallow, and graham cracker swirls.
"I'm so excited about Marshmallow Moon," Fallon said in a statement. "And the name totally makes sense, because the Tonight Show logo has a moon, and I have a body like a marshmallow."
Are you excited for the new flavor? Because I sure am!