We may not be able to fly like Superman or deflect bullets with a powerful shield like Captain America, but we all have something special to offer the world.
Barbara Casados, the mother of a two-year-old autistic boy, wants every child to be able to feel like a powerful, confident superhero.
Check out 60 Second Docs to see how she's helped thousands of children around the world to discover their unique abilities.
It all started with Barbara having trouble dressing her son Maddox in the morning. He wouldn't leave the house unless he was wearing a superhero cape. She reached a compromise with her son: If he agreed to let her dress him, she would let him wear his cape.
Then she purchased a sewing machine and began making all kinds of superhero capes for her son, which he wore anytime he left the house, including to his special needs school.
Other parents noticed the positive influence of a cape in Maddox's life and asked Barbara if she could make capes for their children.
With the help of a loving community, Barbara has helped to transform the lives of 15,000 children through her online non-profit campaign Capes4Heroes.
Capes for Kids is the focus of a short documentary by 60 Second Docs, which was inspired by a new series on Fox. The Gifted, a new family adventure series that is associated with Marvel Television, depicts the fantastical journey of an ordinary couple who learn that their children posses superhuman powers, which forces them to go on the run and fight to survive.
You won't want to miss The Gifted, Mondays at 9/8c on Fox, and the 60 Second Doc on the Capes for Kids. The incredible story of a mother helping children discover their unique abilities will inspire the superhero in you.