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What pops into your head when you hear the word "hacker"? Perhaps a hooded figure who's made it their mission to expose your browser history to the world. Or maybe someone who looks like Neo from The Matrix, perpetually hunched in front of the computer typing in things that are impossible to decipher.
But not all hackers wear trench coats, and not all of them are out to get you. There are these people called white hackers or ethical hackers, and they are the internet's digital police. They constantly devise ways on how to stop companies from getting cyberattacks, and they get paid handsomely for doing it. Seriously, the average annual salary for white hat hackers is $89,000. That's not too shabby at all.
If you want to try immersing yourself in this lucrative career and join forces with the internet's cybercrime patrol, the Ethical Hacking A to Z Bundle can help get you started. It's an 8-course training package with over 45 hours of immersive content that will arm you with the skills to think like a hacker, respond to different types of web attacks, and find and fix vulnerabilities and security issues in applications or services. By the time you've finished all courses, you'll have all the knowledge to mitigate safety risks and be well on your way to making big bucks.
The courses in this ethical hacking bundle are typically valued at $1,273, it has been on sale for $39, but for a limited time, you can snag this deal at an exclusive, limited-time price of just $25!
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