Breastfeeding mothers will never hear the end of it when it comes to public breastfeeding.
Even when they find clever ways to conceal their breast while nourishing their baby, they still get criticized, especially by workers.
Just last month, an Alabama mother was told by a restaurant worker that her breastfeeding was "offensive," then proceeded to cover her baby's head with a dish rag.
The new mom told reporters that she used the "two-shirt method," which involves wearing a tank top underneath a T-shirt to prevent the full breast from showing.
Despite these efforts, the breastfeeding mom was humiliated.
Now another employee, but this time in South Carolina, is getting in hot water after threatening to punch a breastfeeding mother and her baby in a controversial Facebook post.

When Your Opinion Goes Too Far
We all have something that makes us tick, and if it's a breastfeeding mother for some people, then so be it.
That being said, there's no reason to resort to, or even imply, violence.
Carly Clark, who worked as the manager at a Petsense location (according to her Facebook page), posted a rant on social media that ended up getting her fired.
The post has been removed from Facebook, but many people were quick to screenshot it:
"I'm not sorry - the next female that tries to whip her boob out to breastfeed in front of my kids will get a black eye, move that baby [because] I'll punch it too. #zerocare #why #inpublicletsjustshowkidsboobs #notmine."
Many people who saw the post replied, taking offence to her violent comments, but Carly also had a response for her haters.
"If you read my comments I plainly said it was about one person in general. Do what you want, but I find it very immature that you as a mother would go out of your way to come to a place that you know I work at and breastfeed," she wrote back.
"[I don't care] who breastfeeds when my kids aren't around. Pulling your boob out in front of my kids on purpose just to prove a point is simply represented by who you are as a person."
"I am so offended by this! This to me threatens me and my child! I live in SC - I breastfeed whenever my daughter who is nine months is hungry wherever we happen to be," one Facebook user commented.
"What in the actual hell??! How do people - especially a woman - still have this kind of mentality???! How ridiculous!! We have been feeding our babies the way our bodies intended since the dawn of time," another wrote.
"Something needs to be done here because the last thing you want is 100 nursing mums showing up demanding to know why you employ someone who threatens a mother AND HER BABY and allow her to work with defenseless animals who can't speak," someone else responded.
Petsense's corporate office also had a response for this controversial post:
"Petsense demands the highest standards in ethical and personal behavior from our employees.
We absolutely would never condone violence such as was recently posted by a former Petsense employee. These are her individual views and do not reflect the views of Petsense or its employees.
The statement concluded that Carly no longer works at Petsense, and they apologized to everyone that has been affected by the situation.
Do you think agree with Petsense's decision to fire Carly?
[H/T: The Sun / Daily Mirror]