You get no points for knowing that the most popular dog is the Labrador Retriever. According to Kennel Club records, these dog have taken the #1 spot every year since 1991, and it seems like they won't be getting less popular any time soon.
But over the decades lots of dogs have been popular in America. Usually they become trendy for a few years, then a new breed gets popular and it's all the rage for a little while.
You may be surprised by which dog breed was most popular when you were born. The country's moods change pretty quickly, and some of these breeds don't even crack the top 10 list these days.
1905-1925: Boston Terrier

It's fitting that this list starts off with a 100% American dog breed. These friendly and intelligent dogs are only the 23rd most popular breed now, but that doesn't mean they're any less cute.
1925-1935: German Shepherd

The popularity of the Rin Tin Tin movies, which starred a brave and daring German Shepherd, bumped these dogs up to the top spot during the 20s.
1935-1952: Cocker Spaniels

These short, handsome dogs enjoyed a long stretch of popularity. Part of their reign is thanks to My Own Brucie, a prize-winning Spaniel who was called "the most photographed dog in the world" and helped popularize the breed.
1952-1959: Beagle

While these dogs were bred for hunting, they became popular after World War 2 because their size and friendly attitude made them a good house pet. Plus, Snoopy made his debut in the 50s, so every kid wanted a Beagle just like Charlie Brown.
1960- 1982: Poodle

These decades were a glamorous time, and the perfect accessory for every outfit and occasion was a poodle. Don't let their looks fool you, these dogs are also extremely intelligent.
1982-1990: Cocker Spaniel

Yes that's right, before the Labrador Retriever dominated the most popular list the Cocker Spaniel enjoyed a brief popularity boost that sent them back to the top. They have deep roots in America, the first spaniels were brought from England on the Mayflower.
1991-Present: Labrador Retriever

If you're under 30 you probably grew up in a world dominated by these lovable dogs. Bill and Hillary Clinton had a chocolate lab named Buddy, but experts say bigger suburban homes help explain this breed's popularity.