It's amazing how much of an impact words can have, especially when they're written down.
If you've ever stopped dead in your tracks because a sign caught your attention, then you understand the power of words.
For example, yesterday, while walking home, I came across this sign below about littering:

I've seen dozens of littering signs in my life, but none of them caught my attention like this one.
If you find this sign rude, you're probably not the only one. The thing is, controversial signs seem like the only way to get people talking about an important issue.
Here's another example of a sign that changed people's attitudes. A CUPS Coffee & Tea employee in Virginia put up this sign below to show that rudeness comes at a price.

While customers weren't actually charged more or less based on how they asked for their order, but the fear that they would reportedly made a difference in their attitude.
The image went viral not too long after it was posted, and received lots of love and support by people around the world.
Another viral sign that's still getting a lot of attention is this note that was posted on the front doors of a daycare:
Julianna Mazurkewicz went to pick up her daughter after work when she noticed this note below posted on the window.
"I was a bit shocked, but I didn't feel any negativity towards the daycare. I know that the staff has the best interests of the children in mind, even to the point where they are willing to offend the parent," the mother told CNN.
Since it was posted in early 2017, the Facebook post has more than two million shares! Clearly, a lot of people had something to say about this controversial sign that urges parents to get off their phone.
Some parents didn't appreciate the tone of the note, and felt like the daycare was trying to "school" them.
"I am upset that this place of business felt they had the right to "school" parents on how to interact with their kids. As a mom, I have heard quite enough of other people's opinions on how to raise my kids ... Am I guilty of being on my phone when I pick up my child? Yes I am."
"You people realize they're taking the kids home with them, right. Where they'll tend to homework, dinner, and all the important things. Perhaps worry about your own self and I'll worry about mine."

But many people applauded this daycare's sign and hopes it serves as a lesson to all parents.
"Some people need to learn what's truly important in life."
"There's one sign I can get behind. We are all too complacent about what young children are saying and trying to show us because we have to be someplace or we are following something on our Smart Phones or iPads."
[Source - CNN]