When Denise Robinson signed up her daughter for the programs offered at Little Heroes Group Home, she would've never predicted that she would end up fighting a legal battle against them.

The state-run home is described as "a co-ed intensive group home for children ages 5-11," with a mission to "provide a home-like environment where children can develop skills to manage complex trauma or mental health symptoms in order to successfully transition to a permanent placement in the community."
As you can see, there's nowhere in their description where it mentions anything about grooming children without seeking their parent's permission first.
But, somehow Robertson's daughter, Tru, was given a haircut and she had no idea until it was too late.

Little Heroes issued a statement on the controversial situation citing hygiene as the main reason why they cut Tru's hair.
"Decisions regarding grooming are based on a variety of factors, including hygiene," read the release. "A review of circumstances is underway to determine what occurred and, if necessary appropriate action will be taken."
However, upon further probing, Robinson uncovered another disturbing fact.
Robinson took to Facebook to share the experience that left her daughter nearly bald, and she believes there's more to the story than what is being told by Little Heroes.

The frustrated mom wrote that although Tru had longer hair, it was clean and since none of the girls in Tru's program had lice, there was really no reason to shave her hair off.
"I am very upset. And I'm not going to stop being upset because I feel like my child was assaulted and violated," mother Denise Robinson told NECN.
She added, "Her hair was in two pony tails on the side on Saturday and it was braided in the pony tails and there was nothing wrong."
When Robinson spoke to her daughter, she told her that the volunteer who cut her hair informed her that it would "grow back straight."
Before and after: this Mom says program SHAVED HER DAUGHTER'S HEAD without permission, told her it would grow back straight @boston25 pic.twitter.com/VniNk4yLw0
— Jacqui Heinrich (@JacquiHeinrich) October 20, 2017
This pushed Robinson to think that perhaps the incident was racially motivated.
"I find that appalling," said Richard Kendall, the attorney handling Robinson's lawsuit.
"I'm not afraid to say it and talk about the elephant in the room," he said in another interview with Boston 25 News. "I believe it's a biracial matter and by shaving her head close they were somehow implying that straighter hair is better than dread, curly hair."

Kendall also confirmed that Tru, who has been partially living at the residence for behavioral issues, has been negatively impacted by her hair loss.
"She's a very emotionally damaged young lady with behavioral issues, and to put this on top of the whole entire thing is really rough," Kendall said.
Little Heroes confirmed that although they cannot release any more information, a review is currently underway to "determine what occurred and, if necessary, appropriate action will be taken."
Do you think the staff were wrong to shave the little girl's head?