
Couple's Attempt To Recreate Dirty Dancing Move Ends With A Trip To The Hospital

When you're getting married, most of the time it's pretty standard. Dress, cake, guests, food, first dance. You take some pictures, people go home, and it's usually forgotten about within a year.

For Andy and Sharon Price, though, their wedding dance will definitely not be forgotten. Well...actually, it's not the wedding dance that will be remembered. It's the lead-up to it.

Meet Andy, 51, and Sharon Price, 52.

The couple both have a love of 80s movies, specifically the iconic Dirty Dancing film. They decided they wanted to do something special for their wedding, so naturally they chose to try and re-create the famous lift from the movie.

You know the one.

But see, here' the thing. If you're not a dancer, it's probably not the best idea to give this a try. Even more so when your practice area is behind a local pub.

Continue reading to see how the couple ended up in the hospital.

Andy and Sharon were out on a sunny day when they decided to try and recreate the iconic movie moment in a pub beer garden...a natural choice.

It starts out great.

Look how promising!

You're basically there!

Oh...oh no.

Let's compare and contrast, shall we?


Oooo, so close.

The Prices had a bit of an issue...neither of them were really equipped to complete the lift. And it ended them both up in the hospital.


"I have always loved Dirty Dancing and it is one of my all time favorite films," Sharon Price says. "We were in the beer garden and my niece and nephew were messing around trying to do the lift. So I looked at Andy and suggested that we have it as our first dance at our wedding. We immediately set about trying to recreate that iconic moment. But it's fair to say it didn't go to plan."

"At first our family thought we were just messing about but they soon realized we had actually really hurt ourselves," Sharon told SWNS. "The paramedics were pretty worried about Andy and cut his t shirt off and blue-lighted him up to Southmead Hospital. We are OK now but Andy has a bruised back and neck and my back still hurts."

Andy and Sharon have been together for 18 months, both with kids from other marriages. Now, they couple says they plan to take things a little bit slower at their wedding.

"All I could hear was the paramedics saying he was going in and out of consciousness," Sharon says. "Our feet were still entwined and they had to separate us. We were both badly bruised but we're alright now. I think we're going to go for a slow one for our first dance."

Kudos for trying, but maybe try staying grounded next time.

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