Their names are Brittany and Drew, but you can call this couple Mr. and Mrs. Adventure.
Those are the nicknames they go by on their travel blog, and it's easy to see why.
Not only have this adventurous pair criss-crossed the globe together, they've traveled the whole way in a camper van.

And while they admit it can get cramped, they wouldn't change their unusual lifestyle for anything else.
"We both knew there had to be more to this life than what society had taught us to pursue."
For the last four years, Brittany and Drew have been traveling the world by van, exploring both America and far-off
The pair met and fell in love at the University of Florida, then quickly settled down to live and work in Los Angeles. But they quickly realized life in the big city was not for them.
As Brittany told HuffPost, she felt "overworked, undervalued and lost in the stressful mix of night shifts and desk-sitting monotony" at her job.
"We both knew there had to be more to this life than what society had taught us to pursue," she remembered.
The couple flipped from one idea to the next, including a plan to teach English in Asia, but the call of the open road and their newly purchased camper van won out in the end.
In 2015, they began what would eventually become a 21,000-mile trek across America (including a short detour to Iceland).
Along their route, they stopped to visit national parks and landmarks like Mount Whitney, getting a once-in-a-lifetime view of what America has to offer.
But Brittany admits adjusting to life in a van was not easy.
"I was also used to having my own space, and suddenly sharing just 21-feet 24/7 with my soon-to-be husband took quite a bit of adjusting," she admitted.
"I missed my yoga studio back in L.A. and the simple joy of taking a shower whenever I wanted to."
Still, the thrill of traveling where they want and seeing the beautiful sights along the way has kept this adventurous duo on the road ever since.
They ended their cross-country tour with a wedding ceremony on the beach in Florida, and followed it up with an extended "honeymoon" through Europe in another camper van.
After wrapping up their latest trip in August, the pair returned to America and started work on their next van, with more trips across Canada and America planned once it's ready.
It's not for everyone, but these two travel-addicts seem very happy with their nomad lifestyle, and you can't deny it's an interesting way to live.
You can follow Mr. and Mrs. Adventure on their blog, their YouTube channel, and their Instagram account.
[H/T: Yahoo Lifestyle]