Raise your hand if your new year's resolution was to lose weight. I bet a lot of people have their hands in the air right now. That was me last year. I knew I had to do something to change my lifestyle, and after some research I found that a low-carb diet was the best option for me.
Since starting, I've really only had one complaint: I miss sandwiches and wraps! Everything else you can basically find a replacement for, but bread and wraps are hard to find.
But thanks to Costco, I've just found out I've got options for wraps other than lettuce! The warehouse retailer is selling Folios cheese wraps, which from the looks of it are "lightly baked sheets of cheese." Sounds good to me! Each wrap is only 1 net carb, and they each contain at least 11 grams of protein. No too shabby for anyone doing the low carb, high fat diet.
Currently, Costco is the only major retailer who carries the yummy-looking cheese wraps, but according to the Folios website, they'll be hitting the shelves at Aldi starting on February 1st. There are three flavors available: cheddar, Parmesan, and Jarlsberg.
Some people have already been able to find them at Costco, and they've all said good things!
"Found these at Costco!" Heidi Howland said. "1 carb of deliciousness 💕👠I've missed tortillas, these are so yummy! I can't wait to try the cheddar flavor. Parmesan was awesome as a taco shell. Super easy to use."
"Tried the new Folios cheese wraps today (cheddar)-YUM!" Instagram user JC said. "I've made my own fried cheese wraps before but these sure are convenient, & I've definitely never been able to roll them as smoothly as these do. I spread on a bit of Just Mayo & filled mine with romaine lettuce, yellow bell peppers, & fresh sprouts."
They're also extremely versatile, so you don't have to stick to just wraps!
"Made these bomb[-]ass keto fajita tacos using these tasty cheese wraps," Daniel Ocanas said.
"Taco salad !! Shell made by #folioscheesewraps ITS SOOOO GOOOD GUYS!" Instagram user KetoKristin said.
"So I tried these Folio's cheese wrap things," user Edith Alice said. "I microwaved it for about 15 secs, then added ground beef and rolled it. I added Guac, sour cream, herdez roasted salsa, a squeeze of lemon, and some tapatio hot sauce. I microwaved it for another 10 secs, and sprinkled lettuce. Tasted like a cheese enchilada! Best "keto" tortilla I've had yet for Tex-Mex food! Next time I'll try some enchilada sauce."
Every single thing I've read has me sold on these tortillas! If you're not doing a low-carb diet, who can say no to a cheese wrap?
I know that I'll be keeping my eyes open for these goodies at Costco. Will you?

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