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Who can relate to the age-old saying "everything tastes better when it's free"? Who doesn’t like an unexpected gift, freebie, or giveaway?
There's something about opening an envelope and holding a crisp coupon for a free product that makes my heart flutter. It sounds a little strange to say it out loud, but I genuinely feel that way.
I've gotten samples by mail for more than a decade and by far, the best sampling opportunities come when you cross over into the mom-to-be category. This is an exciting time in your life, especially if this is the first baby you and your family have welcomed into this world.
It's hardly a secret that a baby is costly and bound to change the way you spend. It’s estimated that, in Canada, a child will cost you between $10,000 and $15,000 a year until they turn 18. It's also worth noting that women between the ages of 25 to 34 face a 48 percent income loss in the first year after having a child (while on parental leave).

With all that said, it’s amazing how many baby freebies you can get during pregnancy and it really helps you save on the costs. It is also a useful way to figure out which brands you want to use.
There are a LOTS of baby companies that want to send Canadian moms free stuff, you just need to figure out where to get them and how. Giving away free products is actually good business. That's why I'm here to help you. My friends don't call me the freebie queen for no reason. I've literally always got a coupon for that.
First things first, Newborn Baby is going to be the go-to site that you will not regret becoming a member of. Fill out one form and reach dozens of companies and receive samples, for free, by mail. Let Newborn Baby set you up from the warehouse to your mailbox. There is no hidden cost, you will not be asked for any payment, it’s all free. Start with them and continue on for more.

My second suggestion for you to join is New Mom. Not only will you get the chance to win a $2,500 baby shopping spree but you’ll also get exclusive contest access, savings on your favorite baby brands, contests, and invaluable Mom-to-mom tips & advice. Any mom will tell you, knowledge is power, and the reviews, tips, information, and advice on newmom.ca helped me to be the best mom ever.
Third: UGO Wallet, now this is one of my absolute favorites. If you don’t have it already, start with this one. It’s the perfect place to get organized. You can link all your reward cards, memberships, and even gift cards in this smartphone app. You will have them all together, ready to go. No need to fumble with your actual wallet, with a newborn, keep everything in your phone with this handy app. UGO Wallet does not charge a fee for download or use of the app. They even give you a $10 gift card just for joining.

Here’s a list of 11 Canadian baby freebies that are super easy to sign up for!
Babies R Us Free Gift
Create a Baby Registry and get a Free Baby Swag Bag loaded with trial packs, samples, and coupons. You will also get a $25 coupon when you add 25 items and sign-up for emails!

Walmart Baby Box
Walmart gives out a free Baby Box with the purchase of an item from the baby category on Walmart.ca.
All you need to do is purchase something from the baby category found at Walmart.ca (the Walmart Baby Box applies to online grocery orders only and it is while quantities last.
After you have made your purchase you need to copy and paste the order number from your purchase on the signup form linked here.
Savvy moms (this means YOU) will sign up for Rakuten to get 1% cashback on all Walmart.ca orders. On top of that, right now, you get $5 for free, just to join. They have more than 750 stores on there and you can earn up to 30% cashback at all of them. This is CASH you are going to GET BACK just for shopping like you are going to do anyway.

The London Drugs Baby Welcome Package
This one is for you West Coast Mamas. London Drugs is only located in Western Canada so you will need to check if they have one by you. If they do, you're in luck because this free gift is full of baby wipes, Kleenex, nursing pads, moisturizing cream, and more. Simply fill out the form here and you'll receive an email with the steps to redeem your baby welcome package.

Free Goody Bag from buybuy BABY
Get ready to make another online baby registry and visit a buybuy BABY store to receive a FREE Goody Bag full of great samples and a buybuy BABY coupon to help get you started! I didn't know before I had kids that buybuy BABY is Bed Bath and Beyond in Canada.

Indigo Baby Registry Free Baby Memory Book
Chapters-Indigo are here to help make the precious moment of your new arrival joyful and stress-free. They offer a 20% completion discount, a free welcome gift, coveted brands, and more. Spoiler - to get the book for free, your registry will require that $50 is purchased from it. The book is for sale at $28 though.

Huggies No Baby Unhugged Free Diapers & Wipes
This one has a limit 1 offer item per household and oif your child is over 4 weeks old, you’ll receive Huggies product coupons instead.

Similac Baby Club For $200 In Free Baby Products
Of course, breast milk is best for babies and is recommended for as long as possible during infancy. However, not everyone is able. Those who are interested can join the Similac Club and receive $200 in value of coupon and rebate cheques, samples and lots of support and advice.
Join My Family Beginnings By Enfamil A+ For Samples
There is a free and a paid option, so make sure you choose the free one unless you're are sure this is the brand you want to use. My Family Beginnings offers up to $160 in coupons for infant formula, a magazine subscription, partner discounts, and more!

Nestlé Baby & me Program
Sign up and you can expect a bundle of goodness to help you start your new life with baby. What you get depends on when you request but you'll be getting tons of free samples from brands you and your baby will love! You can also expect to receive random savings and sometimes samples in your inbox or mailbox as your baby grows.

Get Your Pampers Newborn Sample Kit
Please note that you are not eligible if you have already received a Pampers sample in the past 5 months. The sample kit includes newborn-size diapers, wipes, and up to $11 in coupons.

Cetaphil Baby Parents Club For A $5 Product Coupon
By joining, you can expect to receive email tips related to age and stage, special offers, and a first-birthday gift for your baby! You’ll even get a $5 coupon for any Cetaphil Baby product when you join.

Make sure to drop us an email if you found any we might have missed!