Connecticut is dealing out justice with a brilliant campaign aimed at solving some of the state's coldest cases - and it's working.
The 4th edition of "cold case playing cards" has been released into the Connecticut correctional system. Each card has a picture of a victim, facts about the case, and contact information if any inmate has knowledge of the case.
The cards were an idea from the Cold Case Unit on the State Attorney's office. Working with the Department of Correction and other law enforcement entities the cards are designed and released into the prison system.

Each time a case gets solved a new card is issued so that each deck has the best opportunity to solve a crime.
So far there have been arrests or convictions in 20 cases involved with the cards, including several cases in which arrests directly followed tips from inmates. Since the first edition was released nearly 700 tips have been fielded by authorities.
Decks are made available to inmates for purchase, all money earned by the selling of the decks is used to produce more cards. Although not available to the public you can view the decks here.
"The families of victimes continue to suffer emotional stress when the homicide of a loved one remains unsolved. These Cold Case cards have proved to be an extremely successful strategy in helping bring justice to victims of crime," said Department of Correction Commissioner Scott Semple.