It turns out a great scene is in the eye of the beholder. While we love these movie moments, the actors that star in them hate them with a passion. Regret, bad choices, or uncomfortable working conditions all play a part in these 13 classic scenes that their stars can't stand.
1. Kate Winslet - Titanic

While the romance about a pair of passengers on the doomed ship is a modern classic, star Kate Winslet has no love for the movie. Her self-described shoddy American accent and questionable acting choices make the movie unwatchable for the actress.
"Every single scene, I'm like "˜Really, really? You did it like that? Oh my God," she said in an interview. But like many fans, Winslet really has a bone to pick with the final scene where Rose promises to never let go.
"I lie. I know. I fully lie, I hold my hand up, I let him go," she said. That's cold, and Winslet can't abide by it.
2. Kate Capshaw - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Steven Spielberg admits he was trying to one-up himself after dropping Harrison Ford into a pit with 20,000 snakes in the original movie. But maybe dropping his then-wife into a room with 50,000 cockroaches and 30,000 beetles was a mistake. Capshaw said she had to take Valium to get through the scene.
3. Linda Blair - The Exorcist
While the actress had to wear uncomfortable prosthetics and give a grueling performance, the part she hated most involved pea soup. The possessed Reagan vomits up the green goop, but the scent of the veggies made Blair toss her cookies for real.
Actor Jason Miller also had the nasty mixture sprayed on his face instead of his chest by accident, and his grossed-out reaction is 100% real.
4. Clark Gable - Gone With the Wind
This classic movie had a famously rocky shoot, and Clark Gable being up in arms over one of his most famous scenes is just the tip of the iceberg. He hated the idea of Rhett crying over Scarlett's miscarriage because he didn't want to seem unmanly. Gable actually stormed on set when the crew tried to talk him into filming it.

Producers had to convince Gable to tape a "less emotional" version of the scene before he recorded the one we all remember from the movie.
5. Daniel Stern - Home Alone

As one of the Wet Bandits who terrorized Kevin in the hit family movie, Stern was one tough customer. But just like his character, Marv, Stern was terrified of Kevin's tarantula. The scene where the spider lands on his face was real, but Stern would only tape it once and his reaction was completely genuine.
6. Sharon Stone - Basic Instinct
Decades later, this thriller is still best-remembered for the graphic scene when Sharon Stone's character flashes a room full of police officers by uncrossing her legs. But the actress had no idea the scene would play out that way.

Stone revealed that director Paul Verhoeven convinced her to remove her underpants, but told her the scene would only feature "playful innuendo." The first time the actress saw the actual scene, she reportedly slapped Verhoeven across the face.
7. Andrew Lincoln - Love Actually
A surprising number of actors resent their most famous scenes from this British rom-com. Lincoln, who went on to star on The Walking Dead, says the scene where he confesses his deepest feeling to Keira Knightley made him look like a "weird stalker."
"My big scene in the doorway felt so easy. I just had to hold cards and be in love with Keira Knightley," he remembered. "But I kept saying to Richard [the director], 'Are you sure I'm not going to come off as a creepy stalker?'"
8. Jim Carrey - The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

If you had a laugh or two watching Jim Carrey's take on this Christmas movie last year, spare a thought for the poor actor. The intense prosthetics required to transform the comedian into the furry, green Grinch took hours, and Carrey says he felt like he was being "buried alive" on set each morning.
The producers had to call in experts to help him cope with the pain and discomfort. "So a guy that trained CIA operatives how to endure torture was brought in," Carrey says. "That's how I got through it."
9. Dakota Johnson - 50 Shades of Grey

Audiences around the world have flocked to see this steamy series of romances between Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey. But star Dakota Johnson said filming the movie's famously kinky sex scenes was anything but romantic.
She remembers the atmosphere on set as "not a sensual or pleasurable environment. It was really hot"”not in a steamy, sexual way. It's just sweaty and not very uncomfortable." She recalled her mindset while filming was, "Okay, let's just get this over with."
10. Johnny Depp - What's Eating Gilbert Grape

This family drama about a pair of brothers living with their obese and controlling mother won a lot of praise for the cast, but Depp was uncomfortable with part of his character. Insulting the late actress Darlene Cates tore him up, especially calling her character a "beached whale."
Cates remembered Depp apologizing to her over and over for the insults, even though she wasn't on set when he said his lines.
11. Hugh Grant - Love Actually

Yes, another actor who had a bone to pick with his iconic scene from Love Actually. Director Richard Curtis remembered Grant being "hugely grumpy" about the scene, and says he "kept putting it off."
So what was Grant's complaint about the scene? It turns out he's a stickler for details.
"Okay, look. I've got the radio on in my room, my bedroom. And I'm dancing, fine. But then I start to dance through the whole of 10 Downing Street. Where's the music coming from? And how does it cut off at the end?" he asked Curtis.
12. Steve Carrell - The 40-Year-Old Virgin

In the infamous scene where Carrell's character has his chest wax, Carrell's discomfort was real. The actor's chest was really being waxed, and his outbursts were Carrell's real reaction. The scene was particularly painful because the trained waxer backed out at the last minute, sending an unskilled assistant who nearly ripped off Carrell's nipple instead.
13. Shelley Duvall - The Shining

The actress was trapped in her own waking nightmare while filming this classic horror movie. "I had to cry 12 hours a day, all day long, the last nine months straight, five or six days a week," she remembered about her time on set.
Warning: this clip contains strong language.
Director Stanley Kubrick was also a perfectionist who forced his cast to redo scenes dozens of times. The movie's famous baseball bat scene took 127 takes, and you can see the effect of those long hours on Duvall's face.
Were you surprised by any of these stories?