February is the shortest month, but it can often feel like the longest. The cold seems extra bitter in February as you wait for those warmer March temperatures to come through.
The best way to make the month fly by is to have things to look forward to! We already have Valentine's Day on February 14th, but what about some of the more fun holidays?
We've got a list of some of the best February holidays to celebrate with your family!

I, for one, am here Ice Cream For Breakfast Day.
The February holidays seem very focused on togetherness, which is what this world needs right now.
Make A Friend Day is a great way to invite someone over for a play-date (the 11th is a Saturday) or go outside to play with the neighbors!
Random Act Of Kindness Day is the perfect day to bring warm clothing to the homeless shelter, or even just smile to someone on the street! It's a good time to teach your kids about the importance of being kind to everyone, regardless of their social status.
Tell A Fairy Tell Day is one for the imagination! Maybe the kids tell the bedtime story that night, or you put on a little play! Either way, it's bound to provide some great memories.
Here's a full list of fun holidays throughout the year. Which ones will you celebrate?