If you're anything like me, you'll do whatever it takes to keep warm.
Sometimes you've just got to commit a crime of fashion in order to feel warm and toasty, even if it means purchasing something as odd-looking as nose warmers.
Yes, an accessory that rests on your nose to prevent it from turning red in the cold weather actually exists.

If you're not ready to go that far to feel warm this winter, at least get yourself an electric blanket that plugs right into your car.

Just so you know, Shared may collect a share of sales or other compensation from some of the links on this page. However, we only choose products we would or have purchased ourselves.
This heated blanket warms up so fast and makes driving in the winter much more enjoyable. Just don't get too comfortable that you fall asleep behind the wheel!
Of course, many cars are now equipped with heated seats, but a toasty bum isn't quite the same as a toasty body.
Stalwart, a company that offers a broad line of utility products, is selling these electric fleece travel blankets on Amazon for only $22.

This 12-volt product plugs into any vehicle's cigarette lighter and stays warm until you unplug it.
It comes with a 96-inch long cord so that anybody in the car can enjoy the warmth of the blanket.
People who've bought the product absolutely love it, and say it makes a perfect gift for people and pets!
"My family and dogs love these electric car blankets. I bought five of these and gave them out as Xmas gifts. My small dog loves the heated blanket on cold days. The first one I bought lasted about five years before it came up missing, I somehow think my kids had something to do with that!!!"
"Heated seats can only do so much and this really makes a difference. I was worried about it not getting hot enough or working that well, but so far it seems to be doing really well."
"I suffer from a disease which requires that I do not get cold-- my pain increases tremendously under these circumstances! This product works great to keep me warm during the late fall and winter months while traveling. I would recommend it to anyone who needs additional warmth while in a vehicle."
Another item you should always keep in your car this winter is kitty litter.
If you've ever been stuck in the snow and your tires start spinning out of control, use kitty litter to add traction.
Spread the litter underneath the tires and you'll be able to free your car from snow or ice.
Right now, you can get a big box of litter starting at $23.
Share this with someone who would love a heated blanket in the car!

Just so you know, Shared may collect a share of sales or other compensation from some of the links on this page. However, we only choose products we would or have purchased ourselves.