Tim Tebow isn't your average sports star.
The former professional American footballer and current baseball outfielder has a busy schedule, but he always makes time to help run his charity.
The inspiration to start the Tim Tebow Foundation began 15 years ago, when he was only a teenager.
On his first missionary trip, Tebow traveled to a remote island in the Philippines, where he met a boy named Sherwin.
The young boy's leg deformity was a huge obstacle for him to enjoy life like his peers, and Tebow was so heartbroken by Sherwin's story that he knew he was put on this world to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
Tebow formed his organization to help serve people who don't have the means to get the care they deserve.
Now 31 years old, Tebow has met another boy who reminds him of Sherwin, the one who started it all.
Aldrin, an 11-year-old boy with a severe leg deformity, was bullied for years because he was born with congenital knee dislocation.

This condition causes the knees to bend in the opposite direction, and people had bullied the boy for looking "like a flamingo."
Not only was it difficult for Aldrin to stand and walk, years of ridicule left the boy feeling hopeless in life, but then Tim Tebow saw a picture of him and everything changed.
While the surgery would have been easier if Aldrin was younger, Tebow wasn't going to give up on him.
The medical team at the Tebow CURE Hospital were eager to change the boy's life, and after a four-hour surgery, they succeeded!
"That's a boy that will not only be able to really walk for the first time in his life, but he also rededicated his life to Christ and he knows the purpose of his life," the philanthropist said.

Aldrin isn't the only child whose life has been changed by Tebow's charity.
The hospital that he's partnered with has performed more than 2,000 surgeries for Filipino kids.
"Every day, lives are being forever changed at the Tebow CURE Hospital and I'm so thankful for that," Tebow said.