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15 Bedroom Plants That Will Help You Sleep Better Every Night

NurseryLive / Shared

Studies have shown that plants boost your mood. They remind you of nature, and these thoughts help to relax you and lower your stress levels.

That being said, there are certain plants that do more than just look pretty. They purify your living spaces, helping you to fall asleep faster and get more shut eye so you have more energy throughout your day.

Here are 15 bedroom plants that will help you sleep better every night. Check out each one to see which is a good fit for your room.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plants are super easy to grow. All you need is a piece of the existing plant, a spot in your home that gets a lot of sunshine, and water.

If you don't want to grow it, you can buy them at a store.

Most plants sleep at night, which means they're not releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, but aloe vera doesn't.

2. Snake Plant

These scary looking plants, otherwise known as mother-in-law's tongue, is one of the most recommended plants to improve indoor air quality.

Like aloe veras, the snake plant releases oxygen and takes in carbon dioxide at night.

They're also super easy to take care of, so if you don't get a lot of sunlight in your room don't worry.

These plants can be watered every couple times a month.

3. Jasmine

The refreshing scent of jasmine flowers will help you get a more restful night of sleep.

Research has shown that this delicate plant alerts your nervous system to relax, which will prevent you from waking up in the middle of the night.

You'll also notice that the flower lowers the stress hormone cortisol and increases your productivity throughout the day.

4. Lavender

I don't think there's ever been a time where my home didn't smell like lavender. I have at least one pot of the plant in each room.

This purple delight wards off mosquitoes, detoxifies the air, and helps to lower blood pressure.

Lavender is also believed to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. Some studies have even found it to be helpful in preventing babies from waking up and crying so often.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile has sedative properties that helps you relax and fall into a deep peaceful sleep.

It's more common to drink the tea to reap it's medicinal benefits, but having the plant close to your bed will also help you get more shut eye.

6. Spider Plant

Also known as the airplane plant, the long leaves of this plant cleans toxic air molecules like formaldehyde that can come through your bedroom window.

When the air quality in your home is safe to breathe in, your body can finally relax and unwind.

The spider plant will also sustain the oxygen levels in your room to help you breathe better.

7. Peace Lily

The peace lilies gorgeous blooms do more than just stand there looking pretty.

This plant slightly increases your room's humidity so you can breathe easier. Think of them as a natural humidifier.

You'll only need to water them one a week, and they don't need much light to survive, making them the perfect bedroom plant.

8. English Ivy

This plant is so helpful in improving sleep and air quality that even NASA makes good use of it.

English ivy is great for people who suffer from allergies, like hay fever, asthma, and mold.

The plant only needs moderate sunlight, which makes it great for the bedroom.

If you have pets or young children, make sure you keep this plant out of reach!

9. Golden Pathos

If you have no room to spare on your bedroom floor or bedside table, get yourself a golden pathos.

These hanging plants don't require much attention and work hard to improve the quality of air inside your home.

Golden pathos are great for people who live in an apartment and have their windows open all summer.

10. Valerian

Valerians were once used to treat insomnia. People would infuse the flowers in hot water to help them get more shut eye.

Unfortunately, these perennial blooms won't survive long indoors, but I couldn't resist including them on this list.

If you have this in your garden, cut a few stems and breathe in the scent to help you fall asleep.

11. Sage

Sage has been admired for its medicinal properties since ancient times.

Many people today burn sage or ingest the leaves, but not many people know about the benefits the plant has when it's placed in the bedroom.

Some people believe sage works as a sedative and can help you fall asleep faster.

Keep in mind, this plant requires a lot of sunlight.

12. Gardenia

Gardenias are absolutely stunning, which makes them the perfect decorative addition to your room.

The smell is quite strong, so you'll likely want to place the plant somewhere far from your bed.

Gardenias are believed to have sleep-inducing properties when they're taken care of properly. Make sure you put this plant in bright light and water them frequently.

One study found that this plant may be as effective as Valium to relieve anxiety and help you fall asleep.

13. Bamboo Palm

This is another plant that NASA approves of.

The bamboo palm's leaves are well known to purify and humidify the air, and because they grow so high, they can absorb much more carbon dioxide in the environment.

I have one of these in the corner of my room and I love the warm, tropical vibes I get from it. Sometimes all you need is a comfy room to help you fall asleep faster.  

14. Ferns

Ferns are perfect for humid environments, so if you have a stuffy room, you'll benefit from having one of these resting on your bookshelf.

This plant is also known to ward off negative energy and improve air quality by absorbing harmful toxins.

15. Orchids

These flowering plants are many people's favorite for a reason.

They smell great and work hard at night to purify the air in your bedroom.

Just the sight of them will make you feel like you're in nature.

How often do you get a good night's sleep?

For more information on plants, check out plants that add positivity to your life and plants that repel mosquitoes.

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