A lot of strange things go on in the world, but the Pied Piper Duck Show in Sydney, Australia is one of the most bizarre. Every year, almost a million people gather to watch ducks race on tracks and strut their stuff on the umm...green carpet.
Brian Harrington, the farmer in charge of dressing the ducks for the fashion parade, never fails to wow the crowds with one-of-a-kind duck fashions.
The costumes the real deal: they're worth around $150 each and are made from fabrics like silk and linen. Fancy details such as pleats, ruffles, and embroidery abound. We mustn't forget about the hats, veils, and capes. The ducks don't seem to mind; they sure look funny waddling around in human-looking dresses!
Scroll all the way to the bottom to see the video. It will be worth it.

Here's a video of the duck fashion parade. Yes, they have a pair of ducks dressed up as bride and groom. Tell us what you think in the comments below!