Wall Street's famous bull got a run for it's money when the State Street Global Advisors commissioned and erected the "Fearless Girl" statue on March 7.
Visitors to the now famous statues were surprised to see a third, more crudely placed sculpture next to the "Fearless Girl." With it's tiny leg lifted in defiance, the "Sketchy Dog" statue appears to urinate on the little girl's leg.
The statue of the peeing pug was created by Alex Gardega and installed in defiance to the "billion dollar financial firm trying to promote an index fund," says the artist.
The "Charging Bull" was created by guerilla artist Arturo Di Modica after the 1987 stock market collapse and placed before the New York Stock Exchange to remind the people of America's resilience.
Although the city originally removed the piece, it was eventually re-installed near Wall Street in the Financial District.
Gardega tells NBC news that he created the cheeky dog statue in solidarity with Di Modica.
"That piece, ['Fearless Girl'] was not made by some individual artist making a statement," Gardega said. "It was made by a billion dollar financial firm trying to promote an index fund. It is advertising/promotion in the guise of art. That was my only point."

"I decided to build this dog and make it crappy to downgrade the statue, exactly how the girl is a downgrade to the bull," he told Broadly.
Di Modica has asked the city of New York to move the "Fearless Girl" statue, because he feels that it has "transformed" the bull's former "positive, optimistic message" into one of "negativity and fear."
Gardega took down his own statue of the peeing dog down after about three hours. He had no rights to bolt it to the ground and a few angry observers had already kicked over the faux clay and bronze statue.
Do you think what he did was right? Let us know what you think below!