Army Vet's Memorial Day Tribute Is Touching Hearts and Going Viral


Army Vet's Memorial Day Tribute Is Touching Hearts and Going Viral

Memorial Day weekend is here and it's a time for us to remember those who risk their lives every day for our safety, and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

How do you celebrate Memorial Day weekend? Most people use it as an excuse to drink, go out with friends, and have a day off work. But too many of us fail to stop and remember WHY we are able to do that.

Mat Best, a very well-known military veteran online, normally uses his platform to share jokes and humorous content about his time serving. But every once in a while, he shares something inspiring that reminds us all of his past.

American Military News

You really need to see this video that shows all aspects of military life and honors those we have lost.

Meagan has an intense love for Netflix, napping, and carbs.