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Alzheimer’s Does Not Have to Be Scary — You Can Still Live a Full and Purposeful Life

Alzheimer’s is one of the scariest conditions, mainly because it is a progressive disease with no known cure. If you have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, you may feel numb and not know how to receive the news or what to do with it. Adjusting to living with Alzheimer’s is possible, and many people live full, purposeful lives as the disease progresses.

Find the Right Services and Support

Finding services that can provide the help and support you need, to not only deal with the diagnosis, but to start planning for your future, should be among the first things you do. Numerous charities and support groups in different areas of the country provide helplines, shopping services, home care, and general support when you need someone to talk to. You can find ones close to where you live and reach out.

Arrange for the Care You Need

It is best to start arranging for the care you will need in the future as soon as you can. Doing so early gives you enough time to thoroughly research different options, such as in-house and memory care services. You can also find assisted living facilities that provide different memory care options in Scottsdale, AZ where you will be surrounded by a loving and caring community.

If it is not time to move to assisted living, you could always get a caregiver to help you with everyday tasks. Your caregiver should also ensure you are safe and caring for yourself, two aspects of daily living that can get challenging as Alzheimer’s progresses.

Take Care of Yourself and Your Health

Your physical and mental health remain essential when living with Alzheimer’s. Get in touch with a doctor if you feel stressed, anxious, or have mood swings, all of which are common in people with Alzheimer’s. They will recommend various treatments that can help, such as talking therapy.

Also, always eat a healthy and balanced diet. Exercise regularly as doing so can help you relax and remove you from a state of thinking about your condition constantly. You could try various exercises, including walking, swimming, gardening or cycling but talk to your doctor first to discuss different exercise options and see which ones would work best for you.

Lastly, keep up with your regular checks. Get regular blood pressure, cholesterol, vision, hearing, and dental checkups and always see a doctor if you start to feel unwell.

Surround Yourself with Love

Support groups and the communities in an assisted living facility can give you a community that helps you avoid isolation and the loneliness associated with it. You can also reach out to your family to spend time with them.

Since Alzheimer’s leads to memory loss, creating these memories with them while you can is always best.

An Alzheimer’s diagnosis is scary since it is a progressive disease without a cure. Even if you are diagnosed with it, you can continue living a full life and enjoying it by doing what you love, taking care of yourself, and surrounding yourself with a caring and loving community.

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